History of Israeli Jewish Migrations And Diasphora

If an intellectual thinks that the killers of Palestinian Muslims are these few million Israeli Jews, then he has no idea of ​​the intricacies of world politics. If he is a Muslim, then he certainly does not have a complete understanding of the characters of the last battle of good and evil described in the Holy Qur'an and the hadiths of the Prophet. The question is whether the Jews, who have been humiliated and disgraced by Allah till the Day of Judgment due to their disobedience, can today become a nation so powerful and powerful that it can ridicule one and a half billion Muslims. In the verse in which Allah decided to inflict humiliation and disgrace on them, also give two reasons for their power. He said, "Humiliation has been imposed on them wherever they may be found, except that (at some point) they may find some support from Allah or some support from the people" (Al-Imran: 112). The 2,000-year history of humiliation and disgrace on them and the subsequent support from the people are proofs of the authenticity of the Qur'an Allah says, "So We put enmity and hatred between them till the Day of Resurrection" (Al-Ma'idah: 14). This verse of the Qur'an refers to the constant and permanent enmity between Jews and Christians.

Roman general Titus

History has shown that when the Roman general Titus destroyed Jerusalem and exiled the Jews in 70 AD, another prophecy of the Qur'an came true. He said, "And We divided the Children of Israel into groups and scattered them on the earth" (Al-A'raf: 168). From that day until the middle of the twentieth century, the Jewish nation had a 2,000-year history of exile and persecution of Christians. After leaving Jerusalem, the next great tragedy befell them in Muslim Spain. A wave of intense hatred of Jews arose among the Christian clergy of Europe. In the Spanish city of Aragon, clergy began to hold debates between Christians and Jews, in which they were humiliated and later subjected to the worst forms of torture. Countless Jews became Christians out of this fear. They were officially called "Converso". Ordinary Christians called these new Christians Marranos, which means "pig" or "pig." As soon as they saw it, the Jews who had become Christians became rich, and because of their wealth, they began to have relationships in high Christian families. Some even acquired Christian religious knowledge with such skill and dedication that they became high-ranking pastors. Yes, out of hatred, riots broke out between the old Christians and the new Christians (Jews) and from 1449 to 1474, these Jews too, Those who became Christians were brutally murdered. Their properties were looted and they were driven out of the cities. Because they were secretly practicing Judaism, the Spanish church formed regular "informer" groups to find out which "new Christian" was still practicing Judaism. They would take pork with them and force them to eat or they would be asked to do business on Saturdays. If anyone did not do so, he would be killed for his crime and his property would be burnt. Thirteen thousand such Jews were killed. When Isabella and Ferdinand conquered Spain in 1492, they made it a condition for Jews to become Christians in Spain. Seventy thousand also converted to Christianity and the remaining about seventy-five thousand fled to the Ottoman Caliphate.

Century of Jewish Exile

This was the worst century of Jewish exile. Before his last emigration from Spain, he was expelled from the Austrian cities of Viana and Linz in 1421, from Cologne in Germany in 1424, and from Augsburg in Germany in 1439. He was deported from Bavaria in 1442 and from Moravia in Czechoslovakia in 1454. These were the great cities of their time. But they were also pushed out of relatively sparsely populated cities, such as Perugia in Italy in 1485, Valencia in Spain in 1486, Parma in Italy in 1488, and Milan in 1489. They were also expelled from Milan and Lucca and from the whole of Tuscany region of Italy in 1494 after complete exile from Spain. They settled in the Eastern European part of the Ottoman Caliphate and gradually established a stronghold in Poland, the center where Hitler's Nazis began their massacre in September 1939, which lasted until April 1945. Continued About 300,000 Jews were killed in the massacre. Large "gas vans" were built to kill them, enclosing them and releasing gas from the silencer into them, causing them to suffocate to death. Survivors were housed in popular concentration camps where they died of starvation and disease. But at the same time, the Qur'an's prophecy about the Jews that "they will be supported by the people" had come true, and that support was the Christians of Europe and America. In the Qur'an, Allah has also explained this support and warned the Muslims in time. Allah said: "O you who believe! Do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are friends of each other, and whoever of you befriends them, he will be one of them." (Al-Ma'idah: 51). This prophecy of friendship between the Jews and the Christians after two thousand years of enmity will be fulfilled on November 2, 1917.

Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour

During World War I, British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour signed a declaration recognizing Palestine as the "National Home" of the Jewish nation in the world and helping to establish it. The right of all Jews as a nation to gather and live there was recognized.

Thus began the journey of the Jews to Israel in 1920, and another prophecy of the Qur'an about the Jews came true. Allah said, "And when the time of the Last Promise comes, We will bring you all together" (Israel: 104). In the face of these undeniable truths of the Qur'an, if one still considers Palestine a problem for the Arab nation living there and considers Israel itself a great power, then surely he has no understanding of Islam or the current situation. It is available. According to the Qur'anic prophecy, the only support available to the Jews at the moment is the United States, which is its backbone. The realm of American patronage is that America itself has become a Jewish colony. America's love for the Jews began on September 21, 1922, when the US Congress, in a joint resolution, declared Palestine the national home of the Jewish nation and announced its support for it.

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